The Terrestrian Tour

A Virtual Trip from Space to Night

At first, let us have a view of the setting sun from a height of 500km at an position somewhere over western india. At 13:02h Greenwhich time the sun is just shining through the lower atmosphere, touch the earth's surface. A nice image.
Three minutes later, at 13:05h UT the sun is below the horizon, while the light of the backlit amtosphere is still shining at nearly the same intensity as before. A nice image.
Moving from the far eastern hemisphere to central europe, we have midday here. It may be a bright summer day with lots of cumulus clouds, as it is typical for this region and this time. We view that from a height of 50km above the earth's surface. A nice image.
As we move down we somewhen cross the cloud layer. This image is made when just above the uppermost clouds. A nice image.
Now let's go down to the earth. We sit at the geodesic position of Innsbruck, date is the 1st May 1997, and at 18h local time the sun is still above the horizon, shining through hazy cloud layers. Of course this are not true tyrolean mountains, just a fractal composition, but it could be true. A nice image.
This is just a zoom into the hazy landscape from above. It nicely shows backlit clouds flooding over the mountains peak. A nice image.
At early afternoon one might see a sunset in the alps, when the sun is just setting behind the peak of a high mountain. Such mountains are often called 'Mittagsspitze', 'Mittagskogel' and so on. This example is not so extreme, as the sun sets at afternoon, not yet at midday. But it also demonstrates the effect of the high forward scattering in the clear atmosphere, which is quite prominent at such 'midday sunsets' with relatively high sun altitudes. In some sense, such a situation could be called a 'small sun eclipse', since similar effects occur. A nice image.
Now let's have a round look of the local scenery, possible by use of a fisheye lens projection with a view angle of 180 degrees. The sky is clear, but from north some clouds seem to come nearer. (In contrast to reality, also a fisheye lens with 360 degrees or even more could be used.) A nice image.
Just for fun: The above image mapped to a box and a sphere (with the latter mapping just beeing the inverse of the fisheye view). Not of many sense, but just a demonstration of the image mapping facility of the light library. A nice image.
But let's turn back to the landscape scenery. Here the valley becomes to be covered with dense, big cumulus clouds. In nature, this could be a midsummer situation just before a thunderstorm breaks out. A nice image.
The next step of thunderstorm generation are more denser clouds. The landscape becomes quite dark as the sky becomes more and more covered by the cloud. On nearly expects a lightening which could occur at any time now. But this is currently out of the simulation possibilities (but under consideration). A nice image.
After the thunderstorm event has gone away, the water which had rained down onto the mountain evaporates again and forms a new cloud near the mountains. At the highest regions there might be a new snow layer, now shining brightly through the ascending cloud. A nice image.
Let's just have a view into the cloud layer itself, directly to the sun. One may recognize the bright region around the sun, due to the high forward scattering property of the cloud particles. In some cases this region may also contain very colorful parts, due to diffraction effects of ice crystals within the clouds. This effect is worth to be spectated in nature, since it is mostly overseen to its extreme brightness. Rainbowlike effects occure often, in this case they are called 'Icebows'. In contrast to true rainbows, icebows do not occure in opposite direction of the sun, but in direction of the some, some degrees away. Simulation of this effect is under consideration, but for now nature is the best simulation of itself. A nice image.
The view turned back to the mountain, at 17:10h the sun is just before setting and the clouds are beeing backlit from the low altitude sun. This gives a deep yellow light, wheras misty veils pass in front of the mountain. A nice image.
For the sunset, let's move up to the height of the mountain's peaks to spectate the last rays of the setting sun. A nice image.
When the sky is clear at the western horizon, the rays of the low sun may shine through the lower parts of the atmosphere, which scatters away the bluish parts of the sunlight, such that only the yellow and reddish component of the sunlight is able to enlighten the cloud layer. Such spectacular sunsets are quite rare in nature, since a lot of situations must occur at the same time (local clouds but clear western sky). A nice image.
Some time later, when the sun itself is below the horizon, even the yellow component might be scattered away, and clouds become deeply red. A nice image.
Now the night comes. The sun is far below the horizon, but is still hight enough to enlighten the western parts of the atmosphere. Netherless the sky is dark enough such that stars become visible in the twilight. A nice image.
But when photographing, stars move during the usually long exposure time. This gives the effect of 'star trails' around the northern celestial pole. A nice image.
And last for all people who like these simulations, a high-resolution image of the setting sun in 1276x351 pixels, generated with Dynamic Antialising for maximum image quality. Rendering time was more than two weeks on a HP780 Workstation (bau4 from the EDV-Pool), which has about four times the speed of a Pentium 166MHz PC. (So if you own a mere 386 PC, downloading the image bitwise might be faster than simulating yourself!) A nice image.

All images presented here have been generated using the Light C++ Library, © Werner Benger.
All images may be copied and used forever purpose, if reference to the author is given.